Final Fantasy XVI is on the 16thTh title in the main Final Fantasy series, bringing the successful series to PlayStation 5 exclusively for the first six months after launch. Final Fantasy XVI will serve as a revival of the long-running franchise as Naoki Yoshida attempts to forge a new path that stays true to Final Fantasy’s imagination. Final Fantasy XVI’s release date is scheduled to be June 22, 2023in a global version that will see all regions have the game at the same time.
Below you will find:
- An overview of Final Fantasy as a series,
- An overview of the setting for Final Fantasy XVI,
- An overview of the protagonist and some companions of Final Fantasy XVI,
- An overview of the story for Final Fantasy XVI,
- An overview of the combat system in Final Fantasy XVI.
The Final Fantasy series
If you’re new to the Final Fantasy series, there are several things you should know about it before its release. First, the long run by Square Enix stretches back to the original Nintendo Entertainment System, making it one of the longest running game series ever. Thankfully, all of the mainstream Final Fantasy games have standalone stories and don’t connect to each other. There are spinoffs and sequels that relate to a previous game, but they are not numbered like the mainline 16 games.
For example, Final Fantasy X has a sequel called Final Fantasy X-2, and Final Fantasy XIII has two sequels: Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. These games continue the stories from the base game, but most of the games themselves have no connection to each other other than the occasional little nod or allusion to longtime players. Recurring characters sometimes appear, although the only thing that is the same for them is their name (Cid, for example). With the exception of Gilgamesh, who travels through the Final Fantasy multiverse from events that take place in Final Fantasy V, each Final Fantasy mainline title is a standalone experience.
The setting of Final Fantasy XVI
The world of Final Fantasy XVI features a planet split between two continents, with six nations experiencing increasing tensions over a dwindling resource that allows humans to use magic called Mother crystals. The crystals give ether energy to the people, making them a significant resource, but overuse of magic from them causes a person to become petrified.
The six nations in the game are the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, the Holy Kingdom of Sanbreque, and the Dhalmekian Republic – all of which occupy the Storm Continent – while the neutral nation, the Crystalline Dominion, sits between the Storm and Ash Continents. The Kingdom of Waloed controls the majority of the Ash Continent, and an isolated nation off the coast of the Storm Continent called the Iron Kingdom is overseen by the Crystalline Orthodox. The depletion of aether has led to something called the Corruption, forcing the nations into conflict with each other to control the dwindling resource.
Humans who can use magic without the crystals can manifest Eikons and play a key role in the military of each nation, although they run a greater risk of being petrified when summoning the Eikons. These people are called dominants, and they are often valued for their power and thus become political leaders, even if others simply tolerate them because they have such incredible power. Elsewhere they have been abused or forced to fight in wars. The known Eikons in the game so far are Phoenix, Shiva, Titan, Garuda, Leviathan, Odin, Ifrit and Ramuh.

The main character of Final Fantasy XVI
The main character of the game is Clive Rosfield (pictured at the beginning of the article), the first-born child of the ruling Rosaria family, who is passed over as successor to the throne for his younger brother, Joshua Rosfield. Joshua is dominant by Phoenix, and Clive Rosfield lives his life to protect his little brother. Clive has two companions who eventually join him in the game – his pet dog, Torgal, and Cidolfus Telamon. Cidolfus is Dominant of Ramuh, but he does not serve any particular nation. He wants to establish a new nation that houses and cares for people who have been victimized by magic users.
One of the unique things about Clive is that he can share Eikon’s others have, meaning Joshua shares his Eikon, the Phoenix, with Clive, giving him great power. During an attack on the Grand Dutchy by Rosaria, tragedy strikes, and out of it second Eikon of fire, Ifrit, manifests and Clive takes control of itbringing him into violent battle with the other nations and against the other Eikons directly, which is something that had never happened before.
The story of Final Fantasy XVI
The story of the game certainly promises to build anticipation for the release date of Final Fantasy XVI, as it seems that it will take you into a dramatic war of nations that sees titans fighting for power and revenge. While nothing will be directly carried over from previous Final Fantasy games, themes from the previous games that are always present in one form or another will be present here. Crystals, monsters summoned to fight, magic, and wars between nations over that magic are all things that Final Fantasy has done before, and there’s no reason to deviate from the basic formula here.

Instead, this game aims to find a new way to tell that kind of story, and the idea of magic posing a huge risk of petrification as you progress through the story gives the character pause about what they’re doing. It’s unknown if the character can actually contribute to the petrification process as the game goes on depending on how much magic is used, or if it’ll just be a plot point that’s hard-coded into the story no matter what you do, but it’s an interesting drama nonetheless. As the story progresses, concern for the characters and their condition will be natural, as they go deeper and deeper into the battles.
Fighting in Final Fantasy XVI
While the majority of Final Fantasy games have a turn-based battle system, this game will have an action-based battle system. If you’ve played Final Fantasy XV or Final Fantasy VII Remake, the action systems in those games seem to have laid the groundwork for what we’ll see in Final Fantasy XVI. While turn-based systems are superior in the writer’s opinion, Square Enix hasn’t delivered a bad action-based system yet, and it’s sure to be packed with unique features and the usual creativity that Square Enix shows in its games.
If you like RPG games, or like action games with a deep story, Final Fantasy XVI looks like a must play game. For decades now, Square Enix has set the bar for what RPGs are in their Final Fantasy series and other great titles, and it seems their goal is no different this time around with Final Fantasy XVI. Final Fantasy XVI release date for June 22, 2023 couldn’t come soon enough, as the game will prove to push the limits of what a console can do, and will provide hours of entertainment throughout the story the company has laid out for gamers. Fans of RPGs already know how good the Final Fantasy series can be, so it’s with great hope that there are no setbacks for Final Fantasy XVI.
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