
Monthly horoscope: Cancer, November 2022

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Cancer, Scorpio season is an extremely romantic and creative time for you, but this year you may find yourself intrigued by unexpected desires as Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 5. Your usual tastes and preferences are upset by a desire for novelty and experimentation! Some drama can occur in your social life, and a situation that is brewing in your love life, within a friendship or concerning a creative project can reach a surprising conclusion. Differences in desires and values ​​are highlighted. Venus clashes with Saturn in Aquarius on November 7, which can lead you to setting boundaries and having important discussions with partners about money or shared resources.

It’s an intense start to the month, but would we expect less from Scorpio season? It is a time of year for deep introspection, intimacy and transformation, and indeed powerful changes are taking place, particularly November 8 which brings the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and finds the sun meeting Mercury in Scorpio and opposing Uranus.

Eclipses are times of drastic change, and this one coincides with big changes in your social life. You may say goodbye to certain groups of friends and enter new social circles, perhaps unexpectedly and suddenly. New information that impacts how you feel about your communities and groups may surface. The alignment of the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus can lead you to learn something particularly surprising right now, and breaking free from limiting circumstances and relationships is a major theme. Freedom and experimentation continue to be emphasized as the sun opposes Uranus on November 9. A new wish or dream for the future enters your heart.

Mercury clashes with Saturn on November 10, finding you navigating communication delays or pessimism, but also on this day Venus connects with Neptune in Pisces, inspiring an explosion of romance and creativity despite the dark presence of Saturn. The alignment of Venus with Neptune is particularly romantic and even glamorous!

A powerful connection with someone new can form, or an established partnership can deepen. The Sun clashes with Saturn on Nov. 11, which could lead you and your partners (in love or not) to take on responsibilities, especially when it comes to finances, and Mercury connects with Neptune on Nov. 12, inspiring a atmosphere of sympathy and understanding. A philosophical breakthrough could take place at this time. A great idea that lifts your spirits and brings great hope can be shared. Travel plans could be made… The atmosphere is particularly uplifting, even magical!

Venus connects with Pluto in Capricorn on November 13, inspiring a powerful atmosphere for a deep emotional connection. Meaningful discussion with a partner can be explored. Mercury connects with Pluto and the Sun with Neptune on November 14, bringing deeply meaningful conversations. You might be in contact with an influential or powerful person. A special invitation may come to you or you may take a trip to an inspiring place. Venus connects with Jupiter in Pisces on November 15, finding you dizzy! This is an extremely romantic alignment, and your love life could become something very special this month. Even if you’re not looking for love, the energy of this November is fantastic for making art and just having fun!

Venus enters Sagittarius and Mercury connects with Jupiter on November 16. Venus in Sagittarius can inspire you to update your beauty routine – it’s a nice time for a day at the spa! Glamor can enter your daily life and you could redecorate your office or update your wardrobe.

In your love life, you and your partners work through your daily routines together, and in some ways this can be mundane and ordinary, but it can also underscore the value of the relationships you have with people who care about whether you have a clean toothbrush, are eating well, or need to scrub their feet at the end of the day. Mercury’s connection with Jupiter can lead you to have an inspiring discussion and exciting invitations can arrive. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 17, stimulating communication about your projects and responsibilities. This is the perfect time to rearrange your desk or rethink your schedule. The Sun mingles with Pluto on November 18, and you might be in touch with someone influential! Or, a connection you share with someone can grow stronger.

Mars retrograde in Gemini clashes with Neptune on Nov. 19, which could frustrate you about your travel plans or schoolwork. You may be trying to post something or just share a big message, but the process is frustrating. Indecision, confusion, laziness, and even shadow abound. The best way to work with this energy is to slow down, observe and connect with your inner voice.

You may be thinking back to an event that happened on or around October 12. If similar or identical situations arise, ask yourself how you would handle this issue differently this time around. Mars is retrograde, which might make us more impatient or angry, but retrograde Mars can also provide opportunities to better understand what makes us angry, motivates, and excites us! This Mars retrograde in Gemini invites you to examine the ways you’re unwittingly making life more difficult for yourself, and while its square to Neptune is confusing, you may discover something new about yourself and the way you act.

An uplifting atmosphere arrives as the sun connects with Jupiter on November 20, and new opportunities may come your way. Mercury and Venus meet on November 21, bringing cheerful and friendly energy to your daily routine. The sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, finding you focused on productivity, at work and in your personal life. The fiery sun sign Sagittarius inspires you to tackle your to-do list, focus on wellness, let go of old habits, and generally create a more productive and supportive routine. The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23 can cause you to start a new gig or routine and generally take a fresh approach to more mundane activities. This new moon also finds Jupiter ending its retrograde, and you’re ready to explore a new opportunity. You can travel or come into contact with people abroad.

Retrograde Mars connects with Saturn on November 28, which could cause you to rethink your plans, perhaps those discussed on or around September 28. Mercury opposes retrograde Mars and connects with Saturn on November 29, which might find people impatient, but strong support from partners can help stabilize a problem. If you feel too distracted to finish the job, ask for an extension or a break rather than doing a sloppy job. Don’t add more to your schedule than you can handle and prioritize your rest. Venus opposes Mars retrograde on November 30, inspiring passion, creativity, and romance, but take your time! A confrontation can take place, but also useful compromises.

Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in December!

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